12 Habits of Successful Men: Know how to be a successful man

Lakshay Arora
7 min readOct 5, 2022

So you want to be successful? Congratulations! You’re already ahead of the game. Successful people are those who have figured out what makes them happy. They know their strengths, they know their talents and they know what it takes to succeed. At the end of the day, success is not a destination, it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth that happens every day.

I’m sure you guys have heard of the term “habit”. It’s a part of our lives that we often take for granted. Sometimes it’s not until we are on the brink of losing it that we realize how much it has helped us. There are a couple things that I want to talk about today.

1. Surrounding yourself with successful people

So the truth is my success wasn’t always a given. I struggled maybe harder than some of you, but I eventually learned that opportunities like this one don’t come along often. Opportunities where you’re just like everyone else with even a little more dedication and asks for help when they need it.

You can’t change the world without having someone to inspire you, or drive you to greater heights. The benefits of being surrounded by inspirational figures are numerous and powerful. Some of the most inspiring people in life are the people who inspire us to change our lives for the better. The teachers, coaches, and mentors that guide us on their journey to success might not be able to tell you what they are doing while they’re doing it, but they can show you. Learn from these successful people who have walked and blazed a path that you can follow.

2. Stop listening and caring about your haters

Haters are the people who do not like you. They may have a reason or no reason at all for their hatred. But the truth is that haters are just one of those people who do not like you. So why should we care about their opinions?

It’s crucial to stop caring about what haters think and focus on what you can control — your own life, your own happiness, and your own success.

Stop listening to the haters and focus on living a happy life!

3. Swallow your pride

If you want to be successful, you need to swallow your pride.

Swallow your pride is a phrase that means admitting that you are not perfect and acknowledging that there are things about you that may be holding you back from being successful.

Essentially, it means accepting the fact that you have weaknesses and strengths, and trying to make the most of those strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. The phrase is often used in self-help books and motivational speeches to help people realize that they do not have to be perfect to succeed.

4. Explore and change yourself

Its time for you to know what your hidden talents are. The only way to do this, is by reinventing yourself. There are many hidden talents that people have that they don’t know about. What’s more, you can use these talents to reinvent yourself.

Some people might not like change, but it is important to embrace the changes in your life. It’s time to know what your hidden talents are and how they can help you in the future. .

5. Clearly understand what makes you unique

Every successful mans ultimate success secret is that there is something unique about him.

To be successful, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

The key to success is understanding your strengths and weaknesses. You will never know what makes you unique if you don’t know what your strengths are.

If you’re struggling with this, try this exercise: List five things that make you happy. Then list five things that make you sad. Now compare the two lists and see which items are in the same column.

6. Follow a procedure

The biggest secret behind every successful individual is his ability to follow a routine in everything.

Follow a routine in everything you do. It is the biggest secret behind every successful individual.

Successful individuals follow a routine in everything they do. They have a set of tasks that they perform on a day-to-day basis, and they are able to keep track of their progress and know where to go from there.

The most important thing about following a routine is that it should be something that you enjoy doing, because if it’s not enjoyable, then it’s not worth doing at all.

7. Keep experimenting

If you just stick to a simple successful formula and do not keep experimenting, how do you think you can be even more successful?

The key to success is to keep experimenting and not to be afraid of failure.

If you want your business to be more successful, you need to experiment with different tactics and strategies. Sometimes these experiments may not work out but that doesn’t mean that they are not useful. The issue is that it can be difficult to know what works best for us.This is where experimentation comes in.

There are endless possibilities of tests you could perform if you wanted your business to grow and be more successful, but these tests will only work if you have the time and resources for them. Experimentation is about finding out what works best for your business.

It’s not only with business but with everything else in your life.

8. Keep learning and improving

I’m always stressing the importance of knowledge. According to studies, 85% of self-made millionaires read at least two books.

This is not just a myth but a reality. There are many ways to learn and improve yourself. Some people might be more inclined towards certain types of learning, while others might find it easier to learn from listening or reading material rather than in person.

The more knowledge you have about the subject, the higher chances for success. However, knowledge is only one aspect of success.

You need to practice what you learn and apply your strategies in order to achieve a level of mastery.If you are not interested in reading books or listening to audio, there are many other ways that might work for different people depending on their learning style.

For example, you could learn by watching videos, taking courses online or attending workshops or seminars.There is a huge variety of methods for learning and improving yourself. Find the method that works for you and stick with it!

9. Remember your failures and keep improving

Successful men have a way of forgetting their failures and moving on. But they also remember why they failed, so that they can learn from the experience and improve.

Successful men know that every failure is a lesson of how not to work. They do not let failure stop them from continuing to improve themselves and their lives. They are always looking for ways to make themselves better because they know that it is important for success in life.

A lot of people think this is something only successful men can do. But this is not true — everyone has the ability to learn from their mistakes, even if it’s hard at first.

10. No alcohol

Drinking alcohol may offer feelings of happiness, relaxation and socialization, but it has no benefits for your health. It can actually cause a variety of negative health effects such as increased risk of heart disease and liver problems. These negative effects are attributed to the increase in blood pressure, release of neurotransmitters, change in heart rhythm and more.

Alcohol is a depressant that impairs judgment and can lead to bad decisions. It also slows down your brain’s chemical signals which can make it difficult to think straight and speak clearly. Studies have shown that alcohol is the third leading cause of death in the United States, with 90% of alcohol related deaths being due to car crashes, homicide or suicide.

Alcohol dependency can even induce brain shrinkage over time. If you know someone with a severe alcohol dependency, then you might be able to help protect their brain by skipping or avoiding alcohol altogether how your aging loved ones.

Alcohol is bad for you. The only drawback to sobriety is that, since people see you as the “designated driver” and find it strange when you want a drink, they won’t offer them up.

11. Be a great listener

Sometimes, the best way to get what you want is to be a man of few words. This doesn’t mean you can’t have an opinion or that you’re not allowed to speak, but rather that speaking less often will help your audience feel more comfortable listening to you.

Listening can be one of the best skills you have because it results in a lot of benefits. People will enjoy your company and seek it more often. You’ll learn new perspectives and insights and by understanding the needs of others, you’ll have a better chance of improving yourself and your relationships.

12. Make it a habit of scheduling

Scheduling is a way to manage your day-to-day life in a systematic manner. It helps you keep track of what you need to do and when it needs to be done. By scheduling your time, you can also reduce the stress that comes with having too much on your plate.

A lot of people struggle with their time management skills, but this doesn’t have to be the case. The best way to improve your time management skills is by making it a habit of scheduling your work and personal commitments on a rigid timetable.


Successful men have a set of common habits that they follow every day. These 12 habits will help you achieve success in your life.

In conclusion, they have an actionable plan for success and they are not afraid to take action.

