How To Buy Hosting From Bluehost? Step By Step Tutorial

Lakshay Arora
5 min readNov 1, 2020

Do you really need to learn “how to buy hosting from Bluehost?”.

YES, it would be best if you had it. And I bet you will realize it after reading this tutorial.

You may be thinking I am joking. Because purchasing Bluehost hosting (review) is so simple — all we need to:

  1. Visit
  2. Select a hosting plan.
  3. Choose a domain name.
  4. Create an account.
  5. Finally, complete the purchase.

And that’s it. Then, what’s special in this tutorial?

Believe me, this tutorial worth reading. I admit buying hosting from Bluehost is an easy process, but not as simple as it looks.

There are so many points to know before paying your hard-earned money to this service.

So, basically, this article does not only cover the topic, how to buy hosting from the Bluehost website. But I will teach you which addon or service you should include or not in your bill.

This makes our Bluehost tutorial meaningful. Now, let’s see what you need before purchasing web hosting from Bluehost.

Requirements Needed For Bluehost Hosting Purchase

Here’s what it takes to buy hosting from Bluehost:

  1. Email ID: Make sure you have an active email account ID (Gmail account preferred).
  2. Credit Card or PayPal Account: Bluehost accepts payments via Credit Cards and PayPal accounts. Keep ready at least one out of both payment methods.

How To Buy Hosting From Bluehost? 8 Easy Steps

Just follow the below-mentioned instructions, and you’ll be able to buy a hosting plan from Bluehost in the next 5 minutes.

Step 1: Visit

The first step to buy hosting from Bluehost is to click on this special link to visit the official Bluehost website.

Once the page loads, click on the Get Started button to move to the next step to buy hosting from Bluehost guide.

Here’s how it goes!

Bluehost costs $3.95/mo onwards. But if you use our special link, the price reduces to $2.95 per month (eligible on 36 months hosting tenure).

Step 2: Select A Hosting Plan

The 2nd step is to select a web hosting plan among Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, and Pro plans.

Basic Plan ($2.95/mo) is the lowest priced web hosting package. It gives you hosting usage access for up to one website with super speedy SSD storage.

Plus Plan ($5.95/mo) comes with unlimited websites hosting features. Besides, Spam Expert & 365 Office features are the prime benefits of buying this plan.

Choice Plus Plan ($5.95/mo) offers similar features to the Plus Plan at the same price. The main differences are domain privacy + automatic backups + $200 marketing credits inside.

Pro Plan ($13.95/mo) is a well-optimized package for high traffic websites with maximum security. You should pick this plan only if you need a Dedicated IP having advanced CPU Resources.

My Opinion: No matter which plan you buy, it’s all your choice. If you ask me to decide, I recommend you go for the Choice Plus (link) hosting. It has everything inside; you need to build a WordPress blog with advanced security.

Step 3: Setup Your Domain

In the 3rd step, you need to choose a domain name. Here are three options to choose from:

Create A New Domain is for when you want to claim a free domain with hosting from Bluehost.

Use A Domain Your Own is for pointing your already registered domain to Bluehost from another domain registrar e.g., Bigrock or Namecheap.

I’ll Create My Domain Later is needed if you wish to add your primary domain later. Or, you can claim your free domain after completing buying hosting from Bluehost too.

My Opinion: Bluehost offers a FREE domain name for the 1st year. I suggest it’s worth buying it at ZERO cost at the first attempt.

Step 4: Enter Account Details

Now we are on the account creation section of our guide on how to buy hosting from Bluehost. Remember, all fields are required in this section and need your 100% attention.

Let’s create a Bluehost account…

  1. First Name: Enter your first name
  2. Last Name: Enter your last name
  3. Business Name: Write your business name (this is optional)
  4. Country: Select your country from the dropdown menu
  5. Street Address: Enter your street name
  6. City: Enter your city name
  7. State: Select your state from the dropdown menu
  8. Zip Code: Enter your area or zip code
  9. Phone Number: Write down your mobile number
  10. Ext: Leave it empty
  11. Email Address: Enter a valid email ID (you’ll receive a purchase receipt on this email address)

Suggestion: Double check your account information before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5: Select Package Information

The next step is to choose your hosting tenure for 12 months, 24 months, or 36 months.

Account Plan: Select hosting tenure (36 months tenure is strongly recommended)

Hosting Price: Display your hosting cost

Primary Domain Registration: Included free of cost

Let’s Encrypt SSL: 100% free with hosting purchase

My Opinion: I would strongly recommend you to go for 36 months of hosting. It gives you up to 63% discount. Plus, you stay away from those heavy Bluehost renewal prices (Bluehost pricing review link) until the next 3 years.

Step 6: Choose Package Extras

Package Extras is a set of premium addons. Let’s see what these extras are and which one you should sign up for.

Domain Privacy + Protection: Included free of cost

Codeguard Basic: Included free of cost

Bluehost SEO Tools Start: Special SEO services by Bluehost — starting at just $1.99 per month (billed annually at $23.88/yr)

1 Microsoft 365 Mailbox: 30 day free trial included

SiteLock Security Essential: Additional sitelock security for your website just for $2.99/mo.

My Opinion: Subscribing for domain privacy & protection is important. You must add it if buying a Bluehost Basic or Plus plan. With the rest of the hosting packages, this security feature is included free of cost.

Step 7: Select Payment Information

When I am writing how to buy hosting from Bluehost guide, Bluehost accepts payments via PayPal and Credit Cards.

If you choose to make payment by a credit card, make sure your card is activated for international transactions.

For PayPal users, this is important to make sure a bank account or credit card is directly linked to your PayPal account as Bluehost accept instant payments.

My Opinion: For buying online stuff, I always prefer a credit card payment gateway. With a credit card payment, you no need to pay extra processing fees, where PayPal charges for receiving & sending money in both conditions.

Step 8: Complete Purchase

In the last step, Check to the option saying, “I have read and agree to Bluehost’s Auto Renewal Terms, Terms of Service and Cancellation Policy and acknowledge receipt of the Privacy Notice.” and click on the Submit button to complete the purchase.

Congratulations, you have now successfully purchased hosting from Bluehost.

Attention: You will receive an additional email for activating your domain name if registered earlier while buying hosting from Bluehost.

What’s Next?

So, by now, you have a domain name + hosting. Next, it’s time to install a WordPress blog. For this purpose, you can read this guide on how to install WordPress on Bluehost hosting.

All you need to login to your Bluehost cPanel, and continue starting your site the way you like.

In the last, I want to know if this tutorial on how to buy hosting from Bluehost help you or not. Please leave your experience in the comment box below.

